BRAMBLING (Fringilla montifringilla)

Occasional winter visitor in small numbers.

Foster (1914) recorded that Bramblings were, “frequently noted at Stevenage.”

Prior to the 1980’s reasonable sized flocks had been recorded from Stevenage; 30 to 40 at Box Wood on 15 April 1968; 11 in a mixed flock of finches near Brooches Wood on 30 October 1974; 20 at Watery Grove on 16 February 1978. Between one and three birds were also recorded from, Astonbury, Chells, Chesfield Manor Park, and, Pryors Wood. Also, small numbers were seen in Fairlands Valley in the winter of 1968/69.

There is also an interesting record of a male in full breeding plumage with three females at Chesfield Manor Park on 15 April 1967.

During the 1980’s there were only four records, coming from, Astonbury, Lonsdale Road and, Watery Grove (where one was heard singing on 12 April 1980) and, only one record during the 1990’s (at an unrecorded location).

Between 2000 and 2009 there were the following records: a female in a Lonsdale Road Garden on 20 February 2001; four at Great Ashby and two at Ripon Road on 16 November 2007; one ringed at Fishers Green on 17 November 2007; three at Fairlands Lakes on 21 January 2008; one in a garden on 23 March 2008; one in a Great Ashby Garden on 16 November 2008; five at Great Ashby on 29 March 2009; nine at Great Ashby on 30 March 2009; male in a Great Ashby Garden on 16 November 2008; a male feeding and bathing in a garden on 1 December 2009.

Between 2010 and 2019 there were the following records: one at Aston Allotments on 16 October 2012 and, 19 October 2015; one at an unrecorded location on 17 January 2017; one at Watery Grove on 19 March 2018; two males and, a female in a Chells Manor Garden on 27 March 2018 and a male on 2 April; a male in a Great Ashby Garden on 3 April 2018; one at Fairlands Valley Lakes on 11 November 2018; a female on a garden feeder on 16 March 2019; one at Box Wood on 23 March 2019; two at Ashtree Wood on 24 March 2019.

Since 2020 they have been recorded from: Box Wood, a male on 5 March 2020; Aston End Road, two on 25 October 2020; Great Ashby a male on 18 December 2020; Great Ashby Park one on 24 March 2021; Stanley Road one on 8 October 2021; Fairlands Valley Lakes, three plus on 12 October and one plus on 14 October 2021; two plus near Great Ashby Park on 20 November 2021; a male in a Great Ashby garden on 17 and 18 February 2022; two in a Great Ashby garden on 20 February 2022; one at Fairlands Valley Lakes on 1 and 21 March 2022; six plus at Watery Grove on 2 April 2023.

The 2012 Winter Atlas confirmed their presence from four of the tetrads covering Stevenage.