CANADA GOOSE (Branta canadensis)

Breeding Resident.

Despite their familiarity they are only recent colonisers of Hertfordshire. In the 1950’s, this introduced species from North America, was a rare visitor to the County and did not breed until 1969. The earliest local record is 25 seen by the River Beane at Aston on 22 January 1940.

Now regularly seen at Stevenage with a large flock usually present at Fairlands Valley Lakes (where they were first recorded on 22 February 1972 when three were seen), and a smaller one at the pond in the Town Centre Gardens.

The most seen at Fairlands Valley Lakes is 553 on 2 December 2022. C.120 were seen at the Town Centre Gardens on 29 September 2016, 250 at Norton Green on 12 September 2017 and c.200 at Astonbury Farm on 16 November 2022.

Regular as a breeding species at Fairlands Valley Lakes. During the 2018 breeding season 35 young and 12 nests were recorded. In 2019 11 pairs produced only one brood. 35 young from eight broods were recorded in 2021. They have also bred at Norton Green Pond in the late 1980s, and the pond at Astonbury Manor in 2006.

Large flocks are also often seen and heard flying over the town early in the morning and in the evening. In late summer they feed during the day in nearby stubble fields.