CURLEW (Numenius arquata)

Uncommon passage migrant.

Curlew have often been recorded flying over Stevenage (including at night), indicating a regular migration route.

The earliest records are, three at Stevenage on 4 December 1884, two of which were shot, “some” Curlew flying over with three Dunlin (Calidris alpina) on 9 August 1907, and one seen on 12 September 1913.

Other records are: one calling over Box Wood on 21 April 1965; an unknown number calling at night over the Mobbsbury area on 6 July 1966; heard calling at night on 23 July 1968; heard flying over Monks Wood and Whomerly Wood 1969; an unusual winter record of four on 8 December 1973; several heard over at night on 13 March 1974; five flew over Chells at 22.00 hours on 19 June 1975; Some heard at night at Chells on 8 March 1976; Fairlands Valley Lakes 20 April 1976; four over at night, calling, 1 March 1977; One heard at Fairlands Valley Lakes 16 November 1978; Fairlands Valley Lakes 5 May 1980; two flew north on 5 July 1983; nine flew over Watery Grove on 15 May 1988; one on 26 October 1991; one flying over Norton Green Tip on 31 March 2008; one at Fairlands Valley Lakes on 3 February 2012.