DUNLIN (Calidris alpina)

Uncommon passage migrant.

The earliest record is of three were seen flying over Stevenage with some Curlew (Numenius arquata) on 9 August 1907.

At Fairlands Valley Lakes they have been seen on spring and autumn passage and, there are two winter records. The records are: one on 3 May 1973; one on 20 December 1973; one 10 May 1974; one 25 May 1974; one 18 August and 21 September 1974; two 30 January 1976; two 25 May 1977; one 12 July 1977; one from 3 to 5 May 1980; one 23 July 1999; three 15 September 1999; one 2 May 2003; two 27 April 2004; seven seen in snow on 1 and 2 March 2018; one on 15 April 2019.

There is one record from Norton Green Tip of a bird seen on 23 March 1992.

Fairlands Valley Lakes 15 April 2019