PIED FLYCATCHER (Ficedula hypoleucos)

Rare passage migrant, which may have attempted to breed.

The earliest record is of one shot near Stevenage on 13 May 1887.

Other records of passage birds are: one seen in heavy rain in a Newgate garden on 15 September 1969; one at Top Pond, Astonbury on 19 September 1969; male in full breeding plumage at Astonbury on 29 April 1970; one at Watery Grove on 30 April 1971; one at Astonbury on 11 August 1975; a female at Astonbury Wood on  9 May 1979; a male at Watery Grove on 25 April 1980; a male at an unrecorded location on 30 April 1985; a female at an unrecorded location on 4 May 1985; one at an unrecorded location on 10 July 1987; a female in a Fishers Green garden on 12 August 1994; a male at Monks Wood on 24 April 1997; a first winter bird in a Martins Wood Garden on 4 September 2008; a male at Warren Springs Laboratory on 19 April 2013; one at Derby Way on 29 August 2015; two first year birds at Fairlands Farmhouse on 24 August 2022; two at Potters Spring on 9 and 10 September 2022.

Potential breeding records are: a female seen at Astonbury Wood on 10 June 1978; and a bird visiting a nest box in Granby Road for 10 days up to 4 June 1990.